Coach House

Radical Carbon Neutral Alterations

The home has been designed to maximise the suns heating and lighting influence upon the home. Locally sourced low carbon materials are proposed alongside passive design principles to ensure minimal heating in winter. This exceptional design will be predominantly constructed using natural and recycled materials. Building the new replaced part of the house to the Passivhaus standard will dramatically reduce energy consumption.

In order to determine detail design, a highly accurate model of the completed proposed design was required. An 'As Built' model was produced using dimensions and measurements of actual materials, including but not limited to, windows, frames, doors, Photovoltaic solar panels, Solar Thermal panels, concrete foundations, surface cladding and individual brick dimensions.

To facilitate efficient build and construction, a detailed model of the internal timber structure was also produced using the As Built model and the original design drawings.

These models helped calculate exact material requirements and as such, a close to accurate build budget.

Planning consent granted on the 10th September 2014

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