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Material Alterations to Listed Buildings

Arlington House - Listed BuildingsBuildings are listed in their entirety: there is no such thing as just a listed interior or elevation, and no grade distinction between listed buildings. The listing is primarily intended for identification. It is not a comprehensive or exclusive record of all the important features of significance. Any object or structure included within the curtilage of the building or fixed to the structure and, has formed part of the land since before 1 July 1948, is included and requires listed building consent for any material alteration.

Altering Listed Buildings

Manor House - Listed BuildingsAltering or extending listed buildings in a way that affects the character, requires “listed building consent” from the local planning authority. The penalties can be heavy if alterations are undertaken without consent.

No fee is payable to the local authority for listed building applications, however, applications for both listed building consent and planning permission can be considered together.

DD Architects will give an opinion free of charge on request if your alterations require listed building consent. We will visit the site if required or if suitable details are provided via email or post we could give advice over the phone.

Statutory Obligations

Wardley Cottage - Listed BuildingsOther statutory obligations will not be affected after obtaining planning or listed building permission, e.g. obtaining Building Regulations approval, which will most probably be required. Certain ecclesiastical buildings are exempt from listed building consent but must comply with other legislation. e.g. Applying for Dioceses approval.

Being listed does not mean that alterations cannot be made; harmful or disfiguring previous works are obvious reasons for remedial action, there is, however a presumption in favour of preservation.

Full justification will be required for works such as alteration or new development.

To find out how we can assist in your project, please get in touch. We look forward to hearing from you.